Thursday, February 26, 2015

It's about kickoff time...

Y'all, it's getting real in here. I am now just 2 days away from the *official* launch of the blog. If you're not familiar with what this blog is about or why I'm writing it, the answer is honest and simple - to live each day as Christ would like me to and to share my ideas, passages and resources in hopes that you'll do the same. We are all in this together and no one person has all the answers. But, if we can commit to dedicate a small amount of our day to truly focusing on His word, we're better for it and a little further ahead than where we started. Sunday's post from Jesus Calling is about trusting in Him during the times when it's most difficult to do so. It's so hard as wives and mothers to say "okay, I can't do this alone and I give my worried heart to You." Don't miss it for sure!

Blessings, Y'all,
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